Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brother, she's country.......

Hi. The title is a line in a song I really like called She's Country by Jason Aldean. I can't do a good post today. I gotta go.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hello followers. My words of the day are aqua, awkward, and gelatin. I just ate cereal. It was good.  Prepare yourselves. Tomorrow is.............another tour of my random mind. :) I think its gonna be even more random than the last one. I hope you enjoy the Quote of the Day. My favorite on was the first one I had put on my blog. I hope you peoples enjoy reading my totally random blog. So yup.
See ya,
Ria the potatoe

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

La La La....Whateva ~ La La La......It doesn't matter :)

Hello. If you are wondering what the heck the title means, i will explain. It's from a random song thats keeps playing in my head. No, I am not a robot. So today I'm going to tell you a short story. Don't sound sooooo disappointed. It's called......The Quiz. Today we had a quiz in history. The quiz had five questions about what we were supposed to read the night before for homework. I was sooooo nervous because I had forgotten to read. I guessed on all of the questions. And...........I only got one wrong!!!!!!!:)
That's the epic story.
Bye my peeps 8)
P.S.~ I don't like the candy Peeps. They're horrible.:)
Ria the wizard
P.P.S.~ I'm not telling you if I am a real wizard.
P.P.P.S.~ Eat some pickles!!!!!!8)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Hello dear peoples of Earth and beyond. Today I will be talking about something. My Word of the Day is genre. I think its soooooo much fun to say the word genre out loud. I also like saying the word idiotic. I like saying that word too. I kept saying the word genre to my friend Markela and she got really annoyed.:) So the music posts are all done with for now. My bestie's blog, Check it out!!!:)
Bye Jupiter Peoples

Sunday, September 11, 2011

POPcorn POPsicles!!!!!:)

Hi readers. Today is gonna be all about pop music. So how do you dudes and dudets like my blog? Just so you are aware, everyday I will have a new Quote of the Day on my blog. I loveeeee reading quotes. I like Skittles. Vanilla ice cream is sooooo good. Oops. Sorry. I'm getting off topic.Okay, here is my list of Pop singers.
5 fave Pop singers:
1. Mitchel Musso
2. Demi Lovato
3. Greyson Chance
4. Plain White Ts
5. Colbie Calliat

Number 4 is a band, but whateva. :)  So that's all, folks. 8)
Ria the pickle

Friday, September 9, 2011

Yee Haw!!!8)

Hi ya aliens. Today I'm gonna talk bout country music. 
I just love the country genre. It's my favorite type of music!:)
By the way, if your a Narnia or Switchfoot fanatic, check out my friends blog at Time for the wonderfully cowboy country.8)Country music makes me sooooo happy. Have you ever noticed how Country is the only type of music that has great songs about the U.S.A.? That's the only type of music that has songs that make me proud to be an American. Country music has this sound that I just love. Maybe its because I'm from Minnesota.Since I love soooo many country songs, I'm going to make a list of my ten fave singers.
10 Favorite Singers:
1. Toby Keith
2. Emerson Drive
3. The Band Perry
4. Taylor Swift
5. Dierks Bentley
6. Keith Urban
7. Hunter Hayes
8. Sugarland
9. Eric Church
10. Craig Morgan

I have many other favorite country singers, but those are the top 10. Some were names of singers and some were bands. So check out those fabulous singers. Tomorrow, we will be discussing pop music. I apologize if some days I forget to write a blog because I'm busy with school work. This is my second week of school.
Remember, check out my friend's blog,

See ya,
Ria the magnificent

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ROCKie Mountain Pandas

Hello Readers. I'm going to ramble about Rock music. Two of my favorite bands are in the rock genre. I just love saying the word genre. I  will be talking about Capital Lights and Relient K. Capital Lights doesn't have any sad songs. All of their songs are loud, none are quiet. Maybe, possibly thats why I like that band. I absolutely do not like depressing music. It just makes me feel horrible. Relient K is the same way. None of their songs are quiet. They are loud, noisy. Thus the rock genre. My list of top five Capital Lights songs:
1. Frank Morris
2. Let the Little Lady Talk
3. Mile Away
4. Remember the Day
5. Out of Control.

List of top five Relient K songs:
1. High of 75
2. Be my Escape
3. My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend
4. Who I am Hates Who I've Been
5. I so Hate Consequences

Those are the songs for today. I found an amazing Owl City song yesterday. It's called "Sunburn." I hope you liked today's post. Remember, Rainbow Ponies are awesome.
C ya.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hey Peoples of Jupiter

Today I'm going to be talking about......Music!!! Today's music post will be about electronic songs. I'll do a post about country, pop, and rock music some other day. My favoite singer is Owl City. Owl City is a singer not a band. Owl City songs are kind of strange and have meanings that can be difficult to figure out. Maybe thats why I like Owl City so much. The singers real name is Adam Young. I don't know why he started using Owl City as his singer name. The genre is electronic/electronica/pop. My first five favorite Owl City songs are:
1. Deer in the Headlights
2. Dental Care
3. The Bird and the Worm
4. Tip of the Iceberg
5. Plant Life
Owl City's music is truly wonderful. It may be a little strange, but what in life isn't a little weird. A million peculiar things happened at school today. Oh yes, I wanted to tell you. Some days I might be too busy with schoolwork to write a post, and I apologize. I'll try to write as much as I can. I don't have time to write about other genres today, so I'll do it some other day. Just remember to listen to one of the five Owl City songs on my list, and you will most likely like his music too.