Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oh My Mermaids!!!!

Hello my dear readers. Today I will be talking about water. Just so you are aware, I'm typing this post from my phone, so there may be capitalization errors and punctuation errors. Okay, so what is your favorite thing to do with water? (Drink it, swim in it, shower in it, etc.) My favorite thing to do with water is either to drink it, or swim in it. Both of those are awesome things to do with water in my opinion. So that's why I chose the title for today. Right now I'm thirsty, so that's how I came up with today's subject. Water can also be used for sprinklers and water balloons. You can't cook without water. Water is rain. Ice is frozen water. Water is in the oceans! Water is in lakes, streams, and rivers. Water is in waterfalls. Water is all over the place. So what's the next thing you're going to do with water?

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